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Thread: Possible Way To Run EQ Better On Your Computer

  1. #11
    Officer, Raid Leader, HBIC Neenia's Avatar
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    So in my eqclient.ini file, it had CPUaffinity0=0, CPUaffinity1=1, CPUaffinity2=2.. etc up to 4. Does this mean that it was only trying to run EQ in a portion of the core? I changed all of them to -1 and immediately saw improvement in log in speed, and in eliminated boxing lag.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    California, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Neenia View Post
    So in my eqclient.ini file, it had CPUaffinity0=0, CPUaffinity1=1, CPUaffinity2=2.. etc up to 4. Does this mean that it was only trying to run EQ in a portion of the core? I changed all of them to -1 and immediately saw improvement in log in speed, and in eliminated boxing lag.
    I am going out on a limb here and assuming you have a quad core processor. My eqclient.ini folder only contained CPUaffinity0 and CPUaffinity1 (Core 0 and Core 1 = Dual Core). I would assume yours should look like CPUaffinity0, CPUaffinity1, CPUaffinity2, CPUaffinity3 if you indeed have a quad core, as this is what it would look like in task manager pre windows 8.

    Likely you will find as many "CPUaffinity" lines in the ini file as you have physical processor cores. Numbering starts at 0 and ends at the number of cores minus 1.
    In the raid we have Jesus in robes who can shoot lightening bolts out of his eyes and summon sharks with freakin lazer beams compared to Lluke who barely can walk and chew gum but can throw a dagger or two and splash the raid. Lluke is waiting patiently on the wait list while the raid engages. The raid engages and multiple times through the event Jesus pulls aggro resulting in mob resets, raid wipes, and or fails to stop DPSing when requested. Now, Jesus is decimating the rest of the guild DPS wise; his sharks are pew pewing anything and everything but due to resets, the event has not been beaten. The RLs decide that even though Jesus is God's gift to humanity and in this case DPS, he can't control his aggro and ultimately a considerable cause of failure so they decide to replace Jesus with Lluke. Lluke comes in, does his 10 DPS, and after 30 mins the raid wins. - Vtull

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    This is worth a bump. For those dealing with lag, please make sure your CPU affinity in the ini file is set to -1.

    Also - if you have a NVIDIA GPU, I would recommend going to the control panel and clicking on "manage 3d settings, then "Program setting" go down to "power management mode" and choose "prefer maximum performance"


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    Fanra (03-24-2024),Itsmom (03-25-2024),Loagina (03-25-2024)
  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukaan_The_Bear View Post
    This is worth a bump. For those dealing with lag, please make sure your CPU affinity in the ini file is set to -1.

    Also - if you have a NVIDIA GPU, I would recommend going to the control panel and clicking on "manage 3d settings, then "Program setting" go down to "power management mode" and choose "prefer maximum performance"

    Is this still a thing? I don't see CPU affinity in the ini file--I see clientcore and it is set to -1


  6. #15
    Officer, WebAdmin Fanra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flipperous View Post
    Is this still a thing? I don't see CPU affinity in the ini file--I see clientcore and it is set to -1



    The January 19th 2022 Patch CPU affinity has changed to ClientCore:
    - Renamed the "CPUAffinity" setting to "ClientCore" in the eqclient.ini file. The new default has been set to "-1" which allows the client to run on any and multiple cores. Setting a number other than the default will still force the client to run on a specific core.
    In this EQ forum post, klanderso, EQ Developer, explains setting ClientCore. At this point, it might be best to leave it alone and let Windows handle using the least busy core(s) to run your EQ clients.
    Fanra - 125 Hobbit Druid Semper Brevis! W.E.T.S.U.
    "Donkey, you have the right to remain silent. What you lack is the capacity." - Shrek

  7. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Thanks for the info and long time no see!


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    Fanra (05-27-2024),Patancia (05-28-2024)
  9. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    I have 2 different ClientCore0=-1 and ClientCore1=-1. Not sure if that is normal but what I noticed.

  10. #18
    Officer, WebAdmin Fanra's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Gulaz View Post
    I have 2 different ClientCore0=-1 and ClientCore1=-1. Not sure if that is normal but what I noticed.
    This is fine. As long as they are -1 you can have a bunch of them.
    Fanra - 125 Hobbit Druid Semper Brevis! W.E.T.S.U.
    "Donkey, you have the right to remain silent. What you lack is the capacity." - Shrek

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