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Thread: puter problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    puter problems

    Some niece or nephew of mine got my puter infected. the little i was able to do seems to have made it drastically worse. won't start up windows. so even if i get time before raid to look at it probably won't be able to fix it in time.might be calling you bruce! not during raid though....

  2. #2
    Officer, WebAdmin Fanra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Cpilot View Post
    might be calling you bruce! not during raid though....
    You have my number?

    Give me a call whenever (not during raids though :).
    Fanra - 125 Hobbit Druid Semper Brevis! W.E.T.S.U.
    "Donkey, you have the right to remain silent. What you lack is the capacity." - Shrek

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I do have your number

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    The main way to fix most computer type problems that relate to bad websites/downloads:

    Start your computer in safe mode with networking:

    Go to trendmicro's website and run housecall:

    Follow the on-screen prompts and most/all of your problems should be solved.

    If that doesn't work you might give cnet a try: &rpp=10&filter=licenseName="Free+to+try"|platform= Windows&filterName=licenseName="Free+to+try"|platf orm=Windows&tag=pe-searchFacetsTile;navForm

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    It won't let me into windows in any way. the message i get is : windows could not start because od an error in the software. please report this problem as: load needed DLLs for kernel. please contact your support person to repoort this problem.. the virus thing may not be the problem.might just be coincidence. sorry for the lousy format and typo's. doing this on a rumor phone...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    One option, though you will lose everything including pictures, files and such is to format your hard drive and use your recovery disks to put it back to factory original condition. I know this is not a desired option, but it does get rid of everything, including viruses and such. For those who do nto have any, I highly recommend making recovery disks. It is a lot better to have them oon hand, instead of having to pay for them later and get them through the mail. Just my 2 copper pieces worth.
    Until we meet again. :>

  7. #7
    Pool Boy [also Guild Leader] Lluke's Avatar
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    Ft Worth, Texas

    To resolve this behavior, start your computer from Windows installation CD-ROM ,
    and then perform an in-place upgrade of Windows. For additional information
    about how to do so, click the following article numbers to view the articles in
    the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    315341 ( ) How to
    Perform an In-Place Upgrade (Reinstallation) of Windows XP

    292175 ( ) How to
    Perform an In-Place Upgrade of Windows 2000
    If Setup does not recognize
    your current installation of Windows when you try to perform an in-place
    upgrade, you cannot use an in-place upgrade to repair your installation of
    Windows. In this situation, you may have to completely reinstall Windows on your
    Basically, you're going to need to reload Windows over the top of itself to repair/return the needed DLLs...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Couple questions...will that erase pictures and such? that is about all that i would worry about... and what if i can't find this disk? i found some utility disks but i don't think it is what i am needing. and does this boot from the cd autolmatically?

  9. #9
    Officer, WebAdmin Fanra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    If you install Windows on top of itself, it should not erase any data. You will have to reinstall many of your programs. You will also have to redo any Windows settings, etc. But your pictures and stuff should be fine. Just make sure you do NOT format the drive, that would erase everything on it.

    You should first try to back up important data though, if you can.

    If you find the correct CD / DVD it should boot up automatically. You might have to go into the BIOS and set the CD / DVD drive as your first boot drive, though.
    Fanra - 125 Hobbit Druid Semper Brevis! W.E.T.S.U.
    "Donkey, you have the right to remain silent. What you lack is the capacity." - Shrek

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Fanra View Post
    If you install Windows on top of itself, it should not erase any data. You will have to reinstall many of your programs. You will also have to redo any Windows settings, etc. But your pictures and stuff should be fine. Just make sure you do NOT format the drive, that would erase everything on it. You should first try to back up important data though, if you can. If you find the correct CD / DVD it should boot up automatically. You might have to go into the BIOS and set the CD / DVD drive as your first boot drive, though.
    What should i do if i can't find the disk?

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