View Full Version : Omani Winter's Challenge

02-23-2018, 08:13 PM
Foarian was born in 2005 if I remember correctly, and in 2006 I applied to Omani, Pat was gracious, and allowed me to Ap even though I had only 50 of the required 200 aa at the time and was only level 65 and required/max was level 70, Pat took a gamble on me and I am glad she did, I had some real life issues I needed to take care of and in late 2008 I was forced to leave the game. I came back in 2015 again only 1900 of the required 500 aa and only level 85 when max required level was 105, again Pat took a chance on me, and again I am grateful she did.
By now i'm sure you're asking well what is the challenge part of this thread i'll get to that in a bit, I just wanted to remind us all that very few exceptions of recruits have come here ready to go max aa'd and leveled we are all works in progress.
Last night I had a short chat with Lluke and I realized something. Had all the people who left this guild in the years I have been apart of it and apart from it had stayed, well shit we'd have one hell of an exceptional raiding guild.
off the top of my head I can think of 7 enchanters 2 of whom probably the best this game has ever seen, 2 wizards, 8 Clerics, one we lost to a main change cause we were light warriors, 5 Warriors, 3 Bards, 2 Shaman 4 Necro's a 2 Beastlords, 2 Zerkers and At least 1 Sk and the list goes on.
So my challenge to all who read this is simple, log in do your job and the rest will come, mind all of those players we lost we were damn good players, both in group and raid setting, and yet they all left, some quit the game for good, add up how many players that is, I get 36, that is almost as many people as we get to show up on a Sat night, some of those people moved on to "greener" pastures, some left the game outright, what a shame, all of whom had a related problem, either caused too much drama, or couldn't stand the drama. I ask those who are here to just do ur job, those that left, for whatever reason to try and make amends to any and all you may have offended, come back and you Will see we have the guild everyone wants. Just be patient and give this challenge a shot. Recruitment is always open for exceptional Candidates, can you swallow you pride and rejoin your old friends as friends and play this game the way it is supposed to be.

Should you be one of the fortunate, that has completed their flagging, Leveling, and aa, I Challenge you to continue to make this guild great by aiding those who do not have the play time that you do. Granting Space in ur Uber Groups for someone who is less skilled, or has much less play time. These are the things that MAKE Guilds great, and these are the things that will progress us through this expansion and all future ones.

This Challenge goes out to ALL Omani Winter's Legacy, past, present, and future. Do you have what it Takes?

thank you for your time

02-24-2018, 04:55 PM
Thanks Foarian. Challenge accepted. While I often help out as often when someone asks. I fear I disappoint some guild mates as I usually don't group with any of them. While I am on all day long on weekdays. I am often not actively playing most of it. I have tried the grouping experience helper but people often got bored outright in a short time and decided to do other things. I'm Not much of a group chatter either. I have 6 monitors up at all times that I am actively monitoring and only 2 of them are for Everquest. The other 4 are for work. So I hope people just understand that while I do want to help out and will do usually when asked. I am not the best for grinding with. Though with this challenge I will help out as often as I can.

02-28-2018, 09:21 AM
Good Morning,

By no means am I an uber geared, flaged, AAed, player. I have 1 accoutn my berzerker and I can pretend to play Drumpy from time to time but not well. that being said I am always inviting anyone I can to come and do progresion with me, always /gu for task adds when My mercs are taking a space in my party. My groups are not always clean, effecient, or perfect, but generally we get the job done. If you are ever looking for someting to do, keep an eye out for me and I can generally find us some trouble to get into. We are stronger together!. I can no tank for a group but my J5 merc and I will happily die trying!

Have a good day