Kongking Warrior Ogre
Lluke Paladin High Elf

Fasz Necromancer Dark Elf
Mecan Beastlord Vah Shir
Nudyinae Wizard High Elf
Patancia Cleric High Elf
Rapturian Druid Wood Elf
Rezhin Cleric High Elf
Srojo Wizard Erudite
Utanelen Shadow Knight Dark Elf
Alkina Bard -
Merico Bard -
Deathpaw Beastlord -
Mecan Beastlord Vah Shir
Rathor Beastlord Vah Shir
Rolran Beastlord Vah Shir
Kohnan Berserker Barbarian
Beefrazzedever Cleric High Elf
Imtoosexy Cleric High Elf
Itsmom Cleric High Elf
Patancia Cleric High Elf
Rezhin Cleric High Elf
Tarlore Cleric Dwarf
Varro Cleric Dwarf
Fanra Druid Halfling
Ieaien Druid Half Elf
Rapturian Druid Wood Elf
Synott Druid -
Veremar Druid -
Walfish Druid Wood Elf
Blyndem Enchanter Human
Darkfyyre Enchanter -
Felware Enchanter Gnome
Jenlee Enchanter Erudite
Nrea Enchanter DarkElf
Sinadenn Enchanter Dark Elf
Bioncah Magician Erudite
Casterof Magician High Elf
Flipperous Magician -
Iaedyine Magician -
Linyinie Magician -
Misymes Magician -
Nosticx Magician Dark Elf
Reechani Magician Erudite
Saldaien Magician High Elf
Deakan Monk Human
Facell Monk Human
Finchy Monk Human
Moren Monk Human
Lalador Monk Human
Seriphan Monk Human
Relldorn Monk Human
Alerion Necromancer -
Ashi Necromancer -
Fasz Necromancer Dark Elf
Gandol Necromancer Human
Midnoctus Necromancer Dark Elf
Pikeian Necromancer -
Razzwane Necromancer Human
Dirdolin Paladin -
Durien Paladin Dwarf
Josipp Paladin -
Gaeain Paladin Human
Kneron Paladin Human
Lipitor Paladin Human
Lluke Paladin High Elf
Locarthur Paladin Dwarf
Steels Paladin Human
Thornah Paladin -
Trusillia Paladin Dwarf
Valandii Paladin High Elf
Banaddor Ranger Human
Foarian Ranger Human
Ilman Ranger Wood Elf
Miyshia Ranger -
Thipsycho Ranger Half Elf
Triawsome Ranger -
Dwantin Rogue -
Minyene Rogue Half Ekf
Raznaq Rogue Dark Elf
Rudamon Rogue -
Calion Shadow Knight Human
Danzignuk Shadow Knight Troll
Garthunk Shadow Knight -
Hexxonu Shadow Knight -
Kreshwyrm Shadow Knight -
Pamga Shadow Knight -
Pcoiel Shadow Knight Human
Spiritcrusher Shadow Knight -
Tyez Shadow Knight Dark Elf
Utanelen Shadow Knight Dark Elf
Chorn Shaman Barbarian
Kaniliik Shaman Barbarian
Kunn Shaman Froglok
Lethinae Shaman Barbarian
Reaffarr Shaman -
Torgurce Shaman Barbarian
Badoww Warrior Human
Binker Warrior Human
Icefyir Warrior -
Jook Warrior Barbarian
Killop Warrior -
Kongking Warrior Ogre
Reinhaard Warrior Ogre
Sevear Warrior -
Thigg Warrior Human
Umluxx Warrior Human
Darkherald Wizard Human
Nudyinae Wizard High Elf
Srojo Wizard Erudite
Ziltil Wizard -


 Last updated September 20, 2008.
If you have left the game for a while,
and come back and find yourself missing from this list, please speak to an officer.
Inactive status, or deguilding a toon, is not neccessarily permanent.
After 90 days of inactivity, toons are normally deguilded as a security measure.
If you come back, you can often rejoin. We just want to make sure the toon didn't change hands.
This isn't the exact policy, but it is the gist of the policy.
We would like to welcome our friends back, but with such a large guild, some housekeeping is neccessary.