Amanchara, Dany, Valentinian, Gheybard, Nevi, Kaeadin, Purf, Hunterr, MooMama

Even Zmok and Yekcirr. . .

God the memories. . .

Cursing Saviors for clearing VT at 8am our time.

Teaming up with Red Sky (I believe was the name?) to stay up till 4am on a work/school night to clear VT so Saviors couldn't get any of it.

Rathe Council. Enough said.

Back flagging endlessly.

PoFire Tables groups.

Dragon Council.

PoTime Tier1-3. So boring.

Endless backflagging (worth mentioning twice)

Vex Thal CoH mages that are probably still parked there.

VT shards.

Luclin in general.