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Thread: Work is Hell right now.

  1. #1
    Casual Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Work is Hell right now.

    Hey all-

    It has come to my attention that some folks feel that I'm choosing to just hang out on the wait list rather than raid. This is of coarse not the case. (Just so you know, being on the wait list is some of the most boring times of my life.) However, I know that for a small group of you that dislike me for one reason or another, nothing I say here will change your minds. For the rest of you, the reason I'm not able to attend is because the job I took after the first of this year is working me to death. Since the economy has been getting much better the company I work for has been getting inundated with orders and are currently 1,400 units behind that they need to make, that they have already pre-sold. This means that they are usually working us 12 hour days during the weeks and anywhere from 5 to 8 hours on weekends. And starting next week they will be upping the weekend hours to be more like the weekday hours :(. This, as you can image, is causing serious upheaval in my life right now. Just trying to make it to the raids at anytime is been very hard. I'm usually late or miss the day completely. I do have some apps out to other jobs, but I have heard that most are waiting until the summer to take on more people. So, for now I will just be skipping raids until I can make a job change. I hope this will satisfies those that feel I have been just hanging out on the wait list for fun. But to be very clear, I have always answered the call to raid when called on from the list with only one exception! That was the last time I raided when I didn't keep track of the time and had to leave about 30 minutes before raid was over, so I could get some sleep before work. No one is perfect I guess. At the end of the day this is just a game and I will continue to treat it as such, I hope you do too :).


  2. #2
    Recruitment Officer
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Redondo Beach, CA.
    Thanks for the update, Zynd.

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