Quote Originally Posted by Fanra View Post
The same issue arises with the Windows User Account Control (UAC), you know, the one that spams you, "Do you want to allow this program to do this?". In Vista especially, it happened so often that it became useless, people got used to just hitting yes without looking or thinking.

So those kind of, "Are you sure?", messages become useless after a while, because you are so used to them.

People are not perfect automatrons that never make mistakes. People get tired, they get used to just clicking the yes box without thinking, etc.

Blaming people for something with the, "Well, they were warned", message is a kind of arrogance, in my opinion. Warnings only work when they are clear and not lost in the spam of life.

How many people really read every user manual's first two pages which describe how your toaster is dangerous and warns you of the 30 things to do and not do? And do you remember every single one three years later?
You are basically defending laziness or ignorance or whatever word you choose. Listen, i totally understand what you are saying, yes, you might mindlessly click "yes" to some boxes without thinking but it doesn't make it right when a mistake is made that effects OTHER people. I did not "blame" anyone for anything but I definitely feel bad for all those people that got screwed out of loot that they won because someone else wasn't paying attention for whatever reason. I honestly could care less because i know this is just a game but there honestly is no reason not to double check what you are clicking on when other people could be effected.