Head of Darkpaw games says lots of words that mean nothing:

A Quick Note from Jenn Chan

Head of Studio, Darkpaw Games

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Dec 01, 2020

Hi All, as you may or may not have already heard, Daybreak Games has entered into an acquisition agreement with a publicly listed gaming company based in Stockholm, Sweden, Enad Global 7 (EG7).

While we are thrilled about this news, we are sure many of you have questions about what this means for the launch date of our titles or operations as a whole. Rest assured nothing will change there. Claws of Veeshan launches on December 8 and Reign of Shadows a week later on December 15. We are excited to bring you these new entries in Norrath’s stories.

As a studio, you may have already noticed we have been doing some hiring recently in support of reinvestment projects. While we aren’t quite ready to discuss the details of those yet, they are in support of the live operations of EverQuest and EverQuest II.

Specifically, being acquired by EG7 advances our ability to continue our development in EverQuest and EverQuest 2, and further spur on our ongoing dedication to EverQuest as a brand.

I am particularly excited because of what Darkpaw brings to EG7, with over 21 years of knowledge and innovation in the live service games space we offer a unique perspective for the many other companies in the EG7 family. I look forward to sharing that expertise on a much larger scale that is afforded to us by this acquisition.

From me, and all of the team at Darkpaw Games, we hope your holiday season is filled with joy and wish you a happy new year.

Jenn Chan