Hail all the Mighty Owls!

Many of you know me from days of yore...

I'm MIA most of the time, but most of that time I'm home in Maine working and stuff.

I've met many of you in vegas, but I don't travel much.... til now.

Doing a couple whirlwind tours in the next couple months.

Mar 20 I arrive in London...
Mar 31 I fly home.
Very likely in between I'm hitting a few or many but certainly not all the cities in this list.
Dublin, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Oslo, Berlin, Prague, Krakow, Budapest, Rome, and then flying home from Paris.
skyscanner.com has some awesome tools.
I could do London to dublin to amsterdam to copenhagen to rome to paris for $350.
Yes, 5 flights for $350 total, some of the prcing is insane

Then in April
15th I fly to vegas, then to Grand Canyon, Marblecanyon, maybe Vermilion Cliffs, to Zion,
back to vegas, hopefully to death Valley and onto Sequioa National park, and then to San Fran, from which I fly home on the 23rd.

Not sure if anyone lives near these towns and would like to raise a glass with me.

Just throwin it out there.

Happy Erolsi Day,