i truly never wished to ever make this post, but it has come to time that I must say my goodbyes. It has been fun for the past 15 months or so since i came back to Omani. those of you who knew me before welcomed me back. Alot of new faces and some old, a few returning ones. I could get into why I am heading out, but it really is not something to talk about here. I will miss you my guildys,. as must as when I had to take my 10 year break. This is not that however, i will be around to shoot the breeze, or to help with group stuff. Shoot me a tell or I will see those of you on the fri/sat pick up raids.

Be well all. I hope you find all the fun in this game that you could ever want

Yours Truly
Sir Lipitor Loxley of the time Lords
(aka) Tom