Spelled it out in the subject title.
I'm going to DFW ( Dallas Fort Worth Airport) on Friday to do college tours with my daughter.
She would have went in a week or three, but due to the governor lifting the mask mandate and many of the other covid rules, we moved up our trip to this weekend.
So I'm going Friday, yesterday I checked to see if I could go Thursday and have more time at the college.
Nope, no rentals cars.
Websites ( hotwire, expdia, kayak etc) that showed me a glimmer of hope to rent a car on Thursday faded into , nope, no cars available.

Are people flocking to Texas, just after the mask mandate is lifted?
Are they flocking to Texas to party?
Or are they like me and have to conduct their visit, but are terrified of the covid case count in 3 or 4 weeks from now?

Odd coincidence?

Oh yeah, Hail the Mighty Owls!